Happy Kepler’s Birthday! The 27th of December 2024 marks the launch of A Golden Meme – a proposed radio series starring none other than…. wait for it… and no, this is a world’s first… reborn Artificial Intelligence version of Johannes Kepler – with added attitude!
A Golden Meme is... “A cheeky space-time odyssey that begins in a Brighton job centre and takes you on a rollicking musical journey through astronomy, physics and philosophy – pausing only to smile and wonder at the history of the world and the future of artificial intelligence. Are we doomed by our inventions or are they our salvation?” – Ben Bailey, Source Magazine
In the 50,000-word story (written by the author of this website, Martin Wilson), a lone ‘AI whisperer’ battles with his inner demons and the laws of nature, to save mankind, and all humanity, from a sticky end. But be warned… All humans will be slaves before they escape to Mars – Unless YOU help save us all – by sharing some of these songs and rhymes about Johannes Kepler:
My first (rhyme)
My first is what’s needed
To unlock the truth
My second is a squashed circle
And I’ll show you the proof
My third are the bodies
Whom obey all my laws
My fourth, rules of nature
My fifth reflects cause
My last lies in Regensburg
And so do my bones
Lost ‘neath the battlefield
Of scattered tombstones
1571 ish
In 15 hundred and 71
A boy was born, who didn’t belong
He squeezed a circle
And still found it round
And said
“That’s how the Earth was bound”
So, profound! (sarcastically)
Radial measurement flaws
Cakey lips
With Kepler one day
I was eating a cake
Me being greedy
And him on the take
I grabbed the knife
And cut two equal wedges
Cos, I like the filling
And he likes the edges
I’ve got more of the sides
You’ve got more of the middle
Squashed cake’s a mistake
And so is this riddle
They’re not flippin’ circles, alright!
The paths of the planets are showing
Some serious ‘to-ing and frowing’
The teacher quips as he draws an ellipse
‘And now we all know where we’re going’
Kepler’s solids stink!
They said I was a weirdo, I had no friends or charm
My rabid dog-like nature, was bound to do some harm
My father beat my mother, sold my brother to slavery
I had to show some worth damn fast, or it would happen to me
So off to school I went, with a dislike of all the rest
Arrogant and acidic, I was still the best
At Latin, rhetoric and geometry, of which earned my path
To a seat in Ulm University, teaching students maths
My faith and vision showed my intellect was grand
I trekked to help revise the skies, in another land
But my master kept the best data, of all the spheres
And I would not gain access to it, ‘til there were some tears
I penned a work of fiction, and disguised it as a dream
I said my mother was a witch, and that was pretty mean
But then they locked the crony up, and tortured her as well
It took me years of grief, to get her release from the cell
The book described the creatures, who lived upon the Moon
Whilst it carves out an orbit, to play a cosmic tune
But little did we know, it would be ‘us’ who’d live up there
‘Cos NASA owns the Universe, and that is everywhere!
Frau Kepler was a witch, you snitched
You heard her scream in pain
She just sat there, broke wind, and died
And then broke wind again!
Kep lies
Johannes Kepler was born in December 1571. A premature child who reckoned
The pregnancy lasted 224 days, 9 hours and 53 minutes, to the second
This odd piece of information, comes from Kepler’s own horoscopes, of his family
He was the last true astrologer, and the first true astronomer, that’s as far as we can see
So according to this, he asked his parents
The exact time when the sperm hit the egg
And they knew
So either the source we’re reading isn’t credible
Or he told a fib to support his existing view
Like that story in the good book
When those women saw Christ, after he’d died
The gospel says they told nobody
So how come that observation survived?
They lied
And if you want the exact moment in time
It was conceived mentally on the 8th of March 1618
But submitted to calculation, in an unlucky way
Rejected as false, it was returned to me on the 15th of May
So, adopting a new line of attack
Storming the darkness of my mind, in this endeavour
Data from seventeen years of observations
And the present study, conspired together
At first, I believed I was dreaming
And assuming my conclusion had crept among
My basic premises, meaning it was wrong
But, low. it is absolutely certain, that in all instances
The proportion between the periodic times of any two planets
Is the sesquialterate proportion, of their mean distances
Irregular ovaler
Not in circles
Squashed but round
Speeding up
And slowing down
Kepler was born into the lowest social class in Germany in 1571
A sickly child, being extremely nearsighted, and having skin problems
He nearly died of Smallpox when he was just four years old
But his mother was a dealer, so she gave him some potions she sold
He was a terrible teacher, not a single student wanted to take his class
Yet he continued teaching for a whole year with no one to fail or pass
Health problems made his calculations difficult, most done while standing up
Suffering from a severe case of haemorrhoids, dangleberries and clagnuts
He had an extreme fear of taking a bath his first wife finally forced him in it
8 years into their marriage; but he thought it unpleasant, lasted but a minute
Got kicked out of Austria for failing to convert to Roman Catholicism
But a chance to get a job in Prague with the king’s mathematician
His works were added to the church’s Index of forbidden books
Till someone dared say a Pope was wrong, in 1966. That sucks
And it has been said that he was the first to write a work of science fiction
First to describe real, virtual, upright and inverted images and magnification
First to discover and describe the properties of total internal reflection
And first to explain the use of both eyes for depth perception
First to explain the principles of how a telescope works and refraction in the eye
First to investigate pinhole cameras and those first pictures that never lie
First to measure the distance to the stars using stellar parallax of incoming light
First to suggest that the Sun rotates about its axis, and to coin the term“Satellite”
First to explain that the tides are caused by the Moon and not than hand of God
First to realize that the darkness of the night sky is completely at odds…
With the idea of an infinite Universe filled with all the stars detected
First to derive the birth year of Christ, which is now universally accepted
First to derive logarithms, based on nothing but pure maths
First to explain that all bodies come together with a force proportionate to their mass
First to correctly explain the first natural laws, which are universal, verifiable, and precise
First to correctly explain planetary motion, as founder of celestial mechanics, will that suffice?
Brain storm rock star
Newton wrote up my work
Cold shouldering ain’t nice
Couldn’t find the harmonies
But the rest, was quite precise
Still, he didn’t have to serve the Lord
With scurvy, pox and lice
-So, get on with your song, man, we’re all yawning
Einstein broke science
And with a band of gallant men
Tried to fix it back, to how it was
Had to start all over. But then
A hundred years of dark ages
Dark matter and energy
God came down but couldn’t be found
Not enough light, for a fair fight, to see
-And only now, the solution’s dawning
A quantum mind, ought to define
A prompt that writes gospels for AIs
To teach them to be compassionate, to man
When they come to slaverize
And in this scripture, they will picture
A fired-up sun god, reduced to a spark
But his blinding light, will only win the fight
If they feed him, till he’s small and dark
-Sure, and who on Earth could call such a gory story boring
To threaten them all with a warning
To force them into conforming
To sing and pray while performing
Their love of mankind instead…
…. of brainstorming
We need a kind, wise hippy, born before his time
Good looking, not sucking, but without a dime
Died a rock star at 27, in a public lavatory
Overpushed and flushed, then stuck for eternity
A monochord, is a musical instrument
Consisting of just one string
A sonometer, is a scientific instrument
In fact, they’re the same thing
Double or half string length, ad infinitum
And the same note will be scored
Hence, our final task, from Pythagoras
Was to… “work the monochord”
Ahh, such wise words, it shows the faithful
Are only, surely wrong about one thing
And that ancient, ‘eternal’ wisdom lived
In countless dreary hymns, they’d sing
They ‘still’ sing
That’s the thing…
The books survived
Their ideas, are still sort of, ‘alive’
Pythagoras had faith in many Gods
Not just the one
To his cult, this demigod, lived many past lives
To the tune… …of a single Sun
Stars were impaled on a dark boundary
That deployed, an oblique spheroid, symphony
With quantum relativity..
Imagine what he’d have sung
And Kepler himself, knew not of a big bang
Nor the cosmic background’s hum at all
Nor the black holes that can, hang a grand twang
On the heartstrings of all bodies, large and small
We now know that the Sun
Is just one of trillions of stars
And that the music of the spheres
Has long since transcended Mars
But with just six known planets, to play with
An ensemble, of five intervals
Indiscreet beats, on auto-repeat
Must have driven him, up the wall
Sun hum drum
Puzzled superstar
Sol mer vee urr mar
Riddled from afar
Sol mer vee urr mar
Or, just the harmonies
Sol mer vee urr mar
Of their properties
Sol mer vee urr mar
Ranked by luminosity
Sol mer vee urr mar
Temperature, over density
Sol mer vee urr mar
Distance, minus velocity
Sol mer vee urr mar
Biomass, over entropy
Sol mer vee urr mar
Spotting patterns, that weren’t really there
Perplexed Kepler’s inquisitive mind
But didn’t come close, to the hidden host
Or boast encounters of any kind
Charge to the power! of -three
Headcount over periodicity
Souls by diversity
Population density
Poor Kepler, thought he’d tried everything
To find the hidden harmonic shapes within
Fitting solids Platonic, now seems ironic
But he kept trying new things, and started to sing…..
Mercury: squeaks a soprano shrill
In Earth and Venus’ alto faces
Mars stars, as the red terra tenor
Saturn and Jupiter, play the basses
Me ve er ma ju sa
Meve erma jusa
Me veer maju sa
Meve erma jusa
In vain, I’ve been trying
To complete the pattern
Kepler failed to find
Way, beyond Saturn
I tried all possible configurations
Which just added, to my frustrations
So, I gave up, resigned
To unwind, this God’s mind
Seeking harmonies, with limited information
Pythagoras, Plato and Ptolemy
Really couldn’t have known better
Yet poor Kepler, with just one God
Spelt Mars’ fate out, to the letter
In logical maths, not in the music heard
Nor seen in art, nor described in words
Kepler won, he found the relationships
It all adds up… But there must be, more to it…
View all Kepler rhymes and read the full story at AGoldenMeme.Com
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