The orbital dynamics used in successful space missions, the Global Positioning System, and other modern applications owe their existence to Kepler’s discovery.

Similar successes in mathematical modelling today may reveal hidden connections between fundamental forces such as gravity and electromagnetism (even anti-gravity or warp drives might result), reproduce useful aspects of human intelligence on computers, and solve other outstanding problems.

Download John F. McGowan’s New Astronomy essay as a PDF

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In this downloadable pdf file, software developer, research scientist, and consultant John F. McGowan, Ph.D. describes how Johannes Kepler’s New Astronomy “Astronomia Nova” { is still helping scientists today uncover the mysteries relating to dark matter and dark energy.

Astronomia Nova contains the results of the astronomer Johannes Kepler’s ten-year-long investigation of the motion of Mars. One of the most significant books in the history of astronomy. You can buy it on Amazon.

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